Creating database and using CRM system for competitive advantage.
CRM Competitive Advantage Customer relationship management. Marketing. CRM strategy CRM Application CRM system as a tool to create. “Competitive advantage” to build a customer base. Worth more than competitors
And as an organization tool Can generate long term profits. Scholars have speculated that there will be around $ 125 billion in global CRM and CRM sales in 2004, because CRM is the source of this “CRM customer relationship”. From the concept of business, the more the business has expanded, the more products. But the relationship between business and customers is far more distant and more profitable.
While companies are looking for new customers. Never ending But what will be the “long term” solutions today? The approach to customers is often referred to as “mass marketing” or (Mass Marketing) strategy. Advertising Widely Include promotional promotions based on “price” as the main tool. In motivation, but it appears that the more the business is trying to create a market. How much does the customer seek? There are a bunch of marketers. Revealed that, in fact, “old customers loyal to the business. It’s been a long time coming. That is the customer segment. Real profit To a company, rather than finding new customers. “Customer relationship management (CRM) marketing is a profitable market. By segmenting customers by revenue. And make a profit with customer relationship management. To build relationships to create. “Income from income. Sell old customers “is not the revenue generated by the pursuit of profits from new customers.
Changing the concept of CRM means changing. A new era in marketing. In terms of business philosophy. And changing business tools because most businesses are still dedicated to acquiring new customers. Which requires a lot of money compared to the money that needs to keep old customers to stay with us. Science says the definition of CRM is “CRM is to satisfy customers. And profitable The continuity with the treatment of the satisfaction that lasts for a long time. With the way and the channel to build all kinds of relationships from the organization. “Although there are many people talk about CRM, but the meaning of each person may be different to call out different names to the marketer can learn. Customer And to access the customer information in the CRM properly, the science has described a simple model. But be mindful The “Dear Model” (DEAR) is a basic factor.
In customer relationship management It is the basic model of CRM to help marketers understand the process of CRM, which consists of four components: Database, Database, Electronics, Action. To create a relationship and retention (CRM) from the CRM process, we can see that CRM is a big business. It connects customers to organizations and channels throughout the organization. Therefore, CRM is a must to invest in people, time and technology. And widely accepted, it comes from three reasons.
- Making a difference For competitive advantage
- Expectations of higher customers.
- Advancement of technology
Creating a Difference CRM is an important tool. To make a difference In a situation where products, prices, distribution channels Have less influence at all. Marketers find their competitors. Can issue Same kind of fast The promotion of the promotion of sales promotion channels have new channels. Many occur New products and services. Can not insert into the market is not difficult. This way customers can not use conventional marketing anymore, but they need to understand and be able to offer customers what they need. Customized The ability of today’s technology makes CRM possible at lower costs. Both advances in thinking new software. Phone Center Management Call-Center The Internet that makes CRM grow faster than expected, so businesses of all sizes can always make the most of CRM. CRM is not the start of high-tech. Keeping customers It can be treated as an analytical client base. The profitability of each customer. The CRM marketing concept makes it possible for businesses. Have a new understanding before the line that “not all customers. Always worth keeping. Because “profit” is still an important goal of the business itself. ”
Credit : e-bizthailand
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